For as long as I can remember, creation has always been a 6th sense for me. In kindergarten, for example, I loved the visual arts activities we did on Mother's or Father's Day. That has never changed. A few years ago I started making small jewelry and characters in polymer clay but with the increase in the price of the raw material, I ended up quitting. It was too expensive.

In 2000, I studied art bookbinding for 2 years which allowed me to have the first basics to create junks. I discovered the concept in the spring of 2023 and it was a real crush. After watching a good number of videos and tutorials on social media, I finally found my own style. Today I can't stop doing it because the passion is well established.

So I'd like to share it with you by creating junks that can be a companion to slip in your photos, notes, drawings, inspirations and many more.

So I'm taking you on a tour of my world.

Look, stroll and discover Le Petit Monde De Vanillette...